Here are some tips to prevent coronavirus
The coronavirus came and brought such a great change in the whole world that in spite of many bad claims many rulers of the world could not do what this epidemic did. The same world of health did not matter and the bubble burst and all the projects were focused on one project. Although the damage could not be stopped, but efforts were made to reduce it for which various SOPs were set up. Like the rest of the world, it has been affected, albeit belatedly, but it is increasing over time and a workable plan is needed to prevent it. There are physical as well as psychological effects of the disease. There are many more and if the related facilities are out of reach of the common man then the chances of him being more affected increase. Sadly, even in these most troubling and tragic circumstances, attempts were made to make a profit. At first, different types of masks began to sell for many times more than their original price, shoddy masks began to be made, and a video on social media showed a street hawker child picking up a mask from the side of the road. ۔ Large stores also began selling masks at exorbitant prices. After that, when it came to tests, a test was done for eight to ten thousand rupees. Private hospitals are taking and taking millions of rupees for the treatment of a patient. According to reports, they become up to one lakh per day, which is beyond the reach of anyone, while on the other hand, coronary heart disease is such an epidemic that one has to deal with The chances of others getting infected are very high and there can be many patients in one house who cannot be treated in private hospitals for an ordinary Pakistani, so it is important to make sure that these private Hospitals should be prevented from charging arbitrary rates and a standard should be set to treat as many people as possible. Similarly, complaints have been received from many quarters that there is difficulty in breathing due to lack of oxygen in hospitals. Patients are suffering. This oxygen is either not available or it is already said "no" to provide expensive prices. Orders should be given to provide adequate oxygen to hospitals so that even if ventilator facilities are not available, at least oxygen supply should be ensured. According to government data, although the number of ventilators has not decreased yet, in fact many patients have lost their lives due to non-availability of ventilators
. If there is no shortage, then it is necessary to investigate why no patient was provided with it. went. The ventilator, on the one hand, had to be provided to one of our loved ones, and it was very difficult for them to get to the hospital bed, so the trajectory is made. There is an urgent need to improve the conditions of hospitals and increase resources as treatment from private hospitals is not possible for more than one to two percent of the people and the import policy should also be simplified for the owners of private hospitals so that they can supply medicines and other necessities. Easily and at better rates and then the government should make these hospitals accessible to the common man in its four components. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use to manage the spread of the disease, but even more important is to plan for the spread of the disease, as selected lockdowns have reduced the number of coronary positive cases. There is a need to do this and the provincial governments should give the responsibility to the district administration to find places where there are more cases of this disease so that they can be locked down and it should be remembered that many cases are due to poor condition of hospitals and Not reporting for fear of loneliness.
Therefore, a mechanism should be set up to identify the places where this is the case and lock down as well, as we will see and experience the consequences of unlocking the lockdown in a completely uncontrolled manner. Therefore, the opinion of other doctors and health experts should be preferred and decisions should be made in the light of this and if necessary and the central markets should also be closed, it should not be avoided because If there are human beings, then the economy will have to run again, but it is not possible to bring life back And the disease is not being tolerated by anyone and has spread from small and poor populations to covered areas, so the government should also formulate the same policy for all places so that its spread can be stopped.
Corona is a sensitive issue and only realizing its sensitivity can help us avoid it so we should take it seriously. We have the highest responsibility of the people, including the health department, hospitals and the government, and that is to take all precautionary measures and adhere to the SO Paner, to keep the minimum number of homes and the maximum number of people. Avoiding, if God's help is involved, then hopefully by controlling its spread, matters can be limited to minimal damage. Planning should be done from the governmental level to the personal level and then Strict adherence to the plan can go a long way in helping us prevent this disease.
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