Unmatched competition between the West and the Third World in science and technology In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Advances in science and technology are impossible without a strong economy, willpower and ambition. Willpower and lofty ambitions are created in human nature for the sake of convenience, while a strong economy is the product of that will and determination. Science and technology continue to increase human convenience. These are also the secrets of successive progress in science and technology in the West. However, the strong economy of the West includes military coercion, political arrogance, racial prejudice, selfishness and obscenity in areas rich in usury and banking. Muslims are always anxious and anxious to confront them, while the fact is that Muslims should give up their petty money thefts and corruption and commit big frauds, then these infidels and polytheists can be confronted. For this, one should take off the Islamic tag of self-expression. ...